by NAD

The NAD 7020 is an integrated amplifier that includes an analog tuner, essential...

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The NAD 7020 is an integrated amplifier that includes an analog tuner, essentially integrating the design philosophy of the NAD 3020 with added tuning capabilities. The device features a minimalist front panel design that sacrifices the power LEDs for the tuning knob, allowing for a spacious area dedicated to the tuner display. Instead of traditional meters, it utilizes two LEDs beneath the glass to provide tuning feedback. Inside, the layout has been carefully engineered to accommodate the tuning capacitor and various board sections, including the AM and FM sections situated on the main board. It also has a separate phono board for additional functionality. The amplifier section is mounted vertically at the center of the unit, resembling the structure found in the 3020, with easily visible output transistors. The tone control circuitry mirrors that of the 3020 as well. Although the horizontal back deck of the 3020 had to be modified to fit the added tuner circuitry, the overall size of the 7020 remains comparable. Many users have reported satisfactory sound quality, comparable to the 3020, with the added advantage of a capable tuner. The front panel design is more robust than that of the 3020, resulting in increased durability.